Avid’s Guiding Principles
Avid Sports has used its vast practical experience in operating word class golf courses to develop a comprehensive operating model that is based four key pillars. We see these pillars as intrinsic to the successful management of world-class facilities and we utilise these pillars to form the foundation of our management and operating practices. With these four key pillars at the forefront of all operations, Avid Sports ensures that each of its managed facilities is operating in all areas at its optimal level.
The consistent delivery of well-maintained facilities, excellence in guest service and a guest-orientated operation that appeals to the target markets is paramount to the success of the facilities operated by Avid Sports. Avid’s commitment to Guest Experience is supported by several initiates which include:
- AVIDchat is a guest feedback system that continually seeks feedback from guests and is a vital tool in allowing Avid to understand the reputation each facility has developed with its customers while facilitating a way in which to improve the delivery of the expectations and desires of each facilities’ clients.
- Secret shoppers is a tool Avid utilises to regularly review the operation and presentation of each facility from a guest perspective. Each facility is measured against its Standard Operating Procedures and Standards of Services to ensure promises are delivered.
- Benchmarking by Avid based on a broad range of golf, leisure and tourism facilities locally, nationally and internationally is paramount to ensuring that Avid is delivering a high level of guest experience at its facilities. Continual benchmarking allows AVID to access the latest trends and developments in the golf in key golf regions around the world.
Each golf facility has a broad circle of stakeholders, all of whom are important to the successful operation of the facility. The stakeholders often include owners, financiers, operators, residents, members, patrons through to suppliers and service providers. Avid Sports prioritizes the management of all stakeholders and has implemented a range of systems to successfully facilitate stakeholder management.
AVIDview is a secure log-in section that offers facility owners and management 24/7 access to a broad range of information including operating budgets, strategic plans, current and operating performances, weekly player numbers, AVIDpipline, AVIDaction and samples of recent adverts and media coverage. Avid prides itself on delivery of a transparent service to our clients and AVIDview is a perfect example.
Communication and consultation is an important component of AVID’s stakeholder management. To achieve this AVID utilises a range of communication tools that range from facebook, twitter, websites, online newsletters and face to face interaction.
Decades of hands-on experienced have allowed Avid Sports to develop and continually refine a sophisticated suite of systems designed to ensure consistent delivery, operational excellence, asset management, people development and importantly optimum performance of its facilities. A number of core systems that support this pillar include:
- AVIDaction is a tailored system that has been adopted by AVID to manage and track the myriad of tasks required to deliver a world-class golf facility operating at its optimum capability. AVIDaction dramatically increases accountability and performance of facilities operated by AVID.
- SOP and SS are core to ensure each of AVID’s facilities are operating at their optimum. AVID has developed an extensive library of Standard Operating Procedures and Service Standards that have been designed to guide the smooth and successful operation of each of its facilities.
- AVIDaudit is a sophisticated system that facilitates a continual peer review of each facility to ensure that the prescribed Standard Operating Procedures and Service Standards are being delivered on a daily basis. AVIDaudit ensures that facility is performing at its optimum from all aspects fiscally through to presentation and customer experience.
- AVIDskill is an employee skills analysis and training tool designed to ensure that all employees are well trained to deliver an outstanding experience at each of our facilities.
- AVIDpartners has been established with like-minded organisations who offer a range of benefits and services to the facilities operated by Avid Sports.
Avid Sports has developed a range of systems, resources and networks designed to drive revenue to the golf facilities it operates. Avid Sports revenue generation pillars are supported by the following key systems:
- AVIDpipeline is a business development tool that ensures that all revenue generation opportunities are identified, pursued and converted. As a result golf facilities operated by AVID enjoy a high conversion rate of business opportunities and enquiries into revenue for golf, retail and hospitality.
- AVIDnetworks provides a valuable conduit between golf facilities operated by AVID with extensive networks in the golf industry and broader corporate, travel and tourism industries. AVIDnetworks provides facilities and owners with the ability to reach out to an extensive network that facilitates the generation of revenue, brand building and growing the overall success of the golf facility.
- Sales & Marketing is a core strength of Avid Sports as we pride ourselves on the delivery of innovative and effective sales and marketing opportunities. Avid Sports is obsessed by the return of investment from marketing and sales programs implemented into each of its facilities. As a result owners can be assured that all marketing activity is designed to achieve the best possible return.
A thorough knowledge and proven track record in developing brands and launching them into the market place is a distinct benefit that will generate revenue for the facilities operated by Avid Sports.
Avid Sports maintains a very hands on approached to brand building, advertising and marketing initiatives. In fact this website was built and is managed by the in-house online arm of Avid Sports.